Understanding Mastitis

Bovine mastitis is harming your cows and your profits

Mastitis is the most widespread disease in the dairy industry, costing New Zealand farmers at least NZD$200-400M and farmers globally $40B every year.

It is typically caused by bacteria entering through the teats and infecting the udder tissue, and can either exist as sub-clinical mastitis (no visual signs) or clinical mastitis (redness, clotted milk, swelling).

There are a range of different mastitis types, some that are contagious and can jump from cow to cow (Staph. aureus), and others that come from the environment (E. coli and Strep uberis).

All types of mastitis cause significant losses by:
dairy cow
All types of mastitis cause significant losses by:
  • Increasing your herd somatic cell count, dropping your payout from most processors
  • Reducing milk production by 2.1% for every doubling of somatic cell count over 100,000 cells/ml
  • Forcing you to treat infected cows with antibiotics and withhold their milk, and even cull them if treatment doesn’t work
  • Wasting hours of your time and energy trying to find it by stripping/RMT your herd.


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Mastitis Calculator

For the average farmer in New Zealand, mastitis monitoring and management costs add up to $80,000 every year. Use the calculator below to find out how much mastitis costs you every year, and how much you could save with Bovonic’s QuadSense.

Disclaimer: This calculator is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to assist farmers estimate the potential costs associated with bovine mastitis on their farms.